You can only renew your certification using the link in the Email Renewal Notification to log-in and renew online. NCCAP sends the Email Renewal Notification to the email we have on record for you in your online profile.

If you did not receive an Email Renewal Notification, please call the NCCAP Office to verify your correct email. If you did not yet create an online profile, please call the NCCAP Office and you will be guided to create one. 

Please note that Email Renewal Notifications are sent monthly starting 4 months prior to your expiration date. You can renew at any time during these 4 months, though your renewal date always stays the same. If you renew after your expiration date you will be charged a $55 LATE FEE.

Please note we email you a high-quality PDF version of your NCCAP Certificate that you can download and print, or share electronically with employers or surveyors to demonstrate your current credential. A hard-copy can be mailed to you by calling the NCCAP Office and paying the $25 FEE. 

Payment of renewal application fee does not guarantee that renewal certification will be granted and is used to cover the administrative costs to process, review and evaluate the application.

Renewal Time
  • Renewal is required every two years unless otherwise noted. It is the responsibility of the individual to know when their Certification must be renewed.
  • Renewals received without appropriate form and/or payment are considered late and incomplete.  
  • The month of renewal remains the same as the Initial Certification. The renewal does not change the renewal date. Late renewals do not affect the renewal period.
Continuing Education Required for Renewal
  • Required clock hours of Continuing Education vary by certification and specialization. See the specific certification and specialization page for more information.
Documentation Required for Renewal
  • Completed renewal form
  • Proof of Continuing Education. For example, the educational or in-service course certificate of attendance with the NCCAP Approval Number and Body of Knowledge topic numbers as applicable.  **Please note** You are not required to upload your CE's for renewal.  Please keep them for validation in cause you are audited.**
  • Documents and renewal fee must be submitted prior to the expiration date to avoid a $55 LATE FEE.